Saturday, 12 September 2015


My dearest humans
E’er since I remember
You’ve been welcomed with
Open arms to my house

Knowing you’re my guests
I shower you with all I have
Air to breathe, water to drink
Grains, fruits, gardens n valleys

Its all thrown open to you
So you can grow n evolve
Adding to my abundant house
Your love, togetherness n joy

Alas, today I’m pained
Far from having gratitude
You take it all for granted
Don’t even seem to value it

What is your arrogance?
You use all my vegetation
Cutting away my trees
Destroying the mountains

You even drain away
My abundant water bodies
And keep digging away
My minerals and ores

You continue dumping
Your trash all over me
I but fail to understand
How far you’ll take this

You’re creating boundaries
Conveniently in the name of
Religion, Nation, Gender
Status, skin color e’en

How have you forgotten
You're but a guest here
Whose permission you took
To disintegrate me 

Calling me mother earth
Is this what people do
To their very own mother
Who provides ‘em selflessly

D’you ever ponder
How I must be feeling
Shorn of all my treasures
Parched to the core

My foundation when shaken
But causes earthquakes
N natural calamities
You've no control over

I feel so shattered
Being a silent spectator
To all the destruction
That but ensues

How do I teach you
To simply learn to co-exist
Can you take care of me too
So I continue providing you

We only have a presence
Because of each other
None of us is independent
We’re all but interdependent


# FifthElement  #LifeCoaching  #LeadershipMentoring #FengShuiConsultant  #GoBeyondYourself 

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Comfort Zone

One fine day
It so dawned on me
Everyone’s comfort zone
Isn’t the same
For some it’s lazing
Action for some

Oh you mean it isn’t
A physical zone
It’s just in our mind
We but keep believing
That its real
Easy n peaceful

Am I really comfortable
In my comfort zone
Or maybe I am
In a quiet denial
While I ain't just
Feeling worthy enough

Could these be then
My limiting thoughts
Joining hands with
Some limited experiences
That but make me
Resist any change

Scared to step out
Of my comfort zone
While secretly admiring
The smart adventurers
Wishing I could be
Fearless like them

And then I remember
My childhood days
When I kept falling
E'er so often
While I was learning
To stand and walk

Doesn't the very fact
I'm walking today
Show I wasn’t fearful
Just chose not to go 
Into a status quo
A comfort zone

For every achievement
I've had so far
I confronted my fears
And challenged myself
Choosing not to be
In a comfort zone

Indeed a revelation
It’s such a misnomer
Comfort zone
Isn’t comfortable for sure
Just a repetitive zone
With no creativity

Tis mere complacence
Evolvement compromised
Loaded with resignation
No excitement either
Tis but a dead end
Where possibilities shrink

A limiting zone
Making me a victim
Engulfed so in my
Fears n insecurities
Thinking I’m alone
Not deserving enough

I finally bid adieu
To days of exile
Going b'yond my fears
N self-imposed limitations
Replacing poor me
With the empowered ME

Lo and behold
As I get comfortable
Outside of my
Comfort Zone
I AM the adventurer

I AM the Creator

#FifthElement  #LifeCoaching  #LeadershipMentoring  #FengShuiConsultant  #GoBeyondYourself