celebrating WOMEN'S DAY, I am simultaneously reminding myself to go beyond any
inequalities that we may be experiencing, and unconsciously / consciously letting
fester inside us.
Saluting the spirit
Of every woman
Can I consciously
Make myself present
To some simple facts
Well men and women
Are but two sides
Of the very same coin
Neither’s less nor more
They’re just different
Each one playing
Their own unique role
I am in acceptance of
The Beings we are
Irrespective of our
Perceived inequalities
Beyond Status n Religion
Abilities n Disabilities
Even sexual orientation
Or geographic location
I celebrate myself
For being who I AM
Incidentally my dear
I am a woman too
A mom, sister, and aunt
An authentic friend
I am born Indian
Yet I AM the Universe
#goingbeyondinequalities #womensday #lifecoaching #womanyouhavemaninyou #manyouareapartofwoman