Thursday, 6 April 2017


I often hear people asking whether they need to have ‘issues’ in life to register for Relationship Coaching. Well my take on this is that we do not need to ‘wait’ for an issue to arise. At times we are not even aware that the issues or recurring patterns in our life can be addressed. We may be resigned to them, or choosing to be in denial of their very existence.

All of us are Unique Wonderful beings, perfect and appropriate wherever we are in life. Yet there is always scope to evolve thereon, not because there is something wrong, but simply because we are all in different developmental stages of our humanness. Our own low self-esteem in some areas, or certain limiting inherited conversations and beliefs can come in the way of us tapping into our optimum potential.
Relationship Coaching is an investment you make in yourself, for your own evolvement. It is a choice, more than a need.

During my Relationship Coaching sessions, several couples have shared how they wish someone had guided them to me before they decided to get married, or at the beginning of their married life. Let me share with you some of their experiences briefly:

One couple shared, “Relationship Coaching is such a broad term, brimming with meaning. My husband and I took it at a time when we had almost lost hope in each other and in our marriage.
Nothing seemed to be going right, be it our personal relationship, our careers, financial health, and this was even affecting our physical and emotional health. All the issues were staring us in the face, and had to be addressed simultaneously, and we did not know how.
Each session was a learning experience. The assignments and the guidance brought in new perspectives. By the end of it, we genuinely started communicating with each other, and that led to resolving a lot of our issues. Our relationship has revived, and we have again started trusting and listening to each other. We now seem to be facing things in life peacefully as we know we are in it together.”

Another couple shared, “It has helped us take our relationship and togetherness to the next level.”
One couple who were frequently fighting bitterly for a while, had this to say, “We didn’t think there was any future for us together. We just couldn’t stand each other. Our bitterness had reached its peak. Even being in the same room seemed to be challenging.
Although we had decided to call off our marriage, we still needed to talk some things over, and move forward in life. But with no mature and responsible communication with each other, we couldn’t see that happening.
Going through Relationship Coaching sessions, we gradually started having a listening for each other. Instead of the blame game, our focus shifted to, "How can we amicably part ways?" What could have been a really messy affair, became a mutually agreed decision. It was not an easy call, but we became willing to accept our roles.”

Summing up some of the advantages of Relationship Coaching for Couples:

o        Healthy and empowered communication
o        Movement from ‘dependence’ and ‘independence’ to ‘interdependence’
o        Creating synergy
o        Making conscious choices
o        Co-creating your life, rather than being victims of life situations
o        Exploring your shared values
o        Deepening of your partnering
o        Sharing your goals and vision

I facilitate the process, while hand holding you with firmness and compassion.

Simply have an enquiry within:

Ø    Are we truly satisfied with life, or are being resigned to it?
Ø    Do we love and respect each other, and ourselves?
Ø    How fulfilling is our relationship?
Ø    Are there some recurring events and patterns in our life?
Ø    Do we believe life is treating us fair?
Ø    How is our Physical, Emotional and Financial health?

One commonality we all have is that we want to live a better life. That means we do believe we can have a better life, and deserve it too. Then what are we waiting for?

 #FifthElement   #RelationshipCoaching   #GoBeyondYourself   #BeUnstoppable   

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